Kirpichov Viktor

Professor Emeritus, one of the most prominent mechanical scientists, a talented engineer and teacher, organiser of higher technical education in Ukraine and a well-known public figure. Founder and first director of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology (1885-1898), founder and first director of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (1898-1902). Chairman of the Congress on Mining, Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering (1910), secretary of the expert commission at the World's Industrial Exhibition in Chicago (USA, 1893).
Mukhachov Pavlo

Process engineer, professor of mechanics. The founder of the national steam locomotive industry. He devoted his life to the organisation of educational, methodological, scientific and educational work at the Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute. Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics (1895). Director of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology (1905-1906, 1910-1917). Honoured Professor (1912). In 1929-1935, he headed the Department of Locomotive Engineering at KhTI. Head of the Institute's museum (1896-1914).
Proskura Georgii

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Founder of the Scientific School of Hydraulic Engineering and Aviation in Ukraine, member of the Presidium and Head of the Department of Technical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology. Founder of the Department of Hydraulic Machines (1914) at the Kharkiv Institute of Technology and its head for the next 44 years. He was Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology (1922-1925). In 1927-1929, he was Dean of the Mechanical Faculty. He received state awards and prizes.
Osipov Ivan

An outstanding scientist-chemist in theoretical, inorganic, organic, physical, analytical chemistry and pharmacology. From 1906 - professor, head of the chemical laboratory, 1915-18 - director (from 1917 - rector) of the KhTI. Research interests: structure of organic compounds, problems of thermochemistry. He proved the necessity of synthesising chemical kinetics with thermodynamics. Organiser and first director of the Kharkiv Women's Polytechnic Institute.
Krasuskyi Ivan

A graduate (1900) and rector of the KhTI (1918 and 1920-1922), an outstanding chemical scientist, professor and head of the Department of Agricultural Products Technology, the Department and Laboratory of Nutrients (1900-04, 1906-23), director of the Ukrainian Institute of Applied Chemistry (1923-1929). He lectured on analytical chemistry, fermentation technology, agricultural production technology, water and fuel technology, nutrient technology, and production control. He also conducted research in the field of soil chemistry. He was repressed by the Stalinist regime in the 1930s.
Lidov Oleksandr

An outstanding chemist, founder and first professor of the Department of Inorganic Substances Technology, one of the founders of the scientific school of synthesis of organic dyes and intermediates. From 1889 he was an associate professor, and from 1892 to 1919 he was the head of the Department of Technology of Organic and Dye Substances at KhTI. His main scientific works are devoted to analytical chemistry and technology of inorganic products (dyeing, calico printing, technology of fats, organic dyes, and water analysis). Created a new method for determining the density of gases.
Ponomariov Ivan

Doctor of Chemistry from the University of Göttingen. Professor at the KhTI since 1886, a recognised chemical scientist, co-founder and head of the KhTI chemical laboratory, assistant director and director of the KhTI (1905). His main research interests were in organic chemistry. He conducted research on the quality of kerosene for the Kharkiv-Mykolaiv Railway (1891). He provided valuable expert opinions in court cases. For 27 years, he headed the Society of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Kharkiv University.
Gemilian Valerii

He was awarded a doctorate in chemistry by the University of Göttingen for his dissertation in chemistry. He was engaged in experimental research in university laboratories in Würzburg and Strasbourg under the supervision of Professors Wieslichenus and Bayer. He worked in Mendeleev's laboratory. Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Minerals and Dyes at the KhPI from 1887 to 1904.
Pilchikov Mykola

An outstanding scientist, theoretical physicist, member of the Toulouse Academy of Sciences and the London Faraday Society. He was the founder of the meteorological station at KhPI. In 1902, he headed the Department of Physics at KhTI and wrote the first textbook "Course of Physics". He is the author of discoveries in optics and radioactivity, geomagnetism and meteorology; he conducted research in cryogenic physics, electrophotography, and radio telecontrol devices. In the laboratory of the Department of Physics, he studied the nature of lightning. He founded and edited the institute's scientific journal.
Pogorelko Oleksandr

Professor of Physics at KhPTI, one of the founders of the physics school, public figure, was elected Kharkiv mayor. He founded the Physics Department and an experimental laboratory at KhPI. He developed a methodology for teaching physics and electrical engineering and electrochemistry, published lithographed courses on General Physics, Theory of Electricity and Electrical Engineering. He was the first to introduce X-rays to Kharkiv doctors. He was a member of the economic and construction committees of KhTI.
Kopniaiev Pavlo

An outstanding electrical engineer, the founder of electrical engineering science in Ukraine and higher electrical engineering education. From 1898 he worked at KhTI. From 1901 he was a Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1916-18 he was a Dean of the Mechanical Faculty. In 1919-1920 he was a Rector, from 1921 till 1930 he was a Founder and a Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and at the same time from 1923 he was a Head of the Department of Electrical Machines. In 1930-32 he was a Founder and Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Kharkiv Electrotechnical Institute.
Khrushchov Vasyl

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, outstanding electrical engineer. In 1923-30, he was a professor at the Kharkiv Institute of Technology, and from 1930 - at the Kharkiv Electrotechnical Institute. In 1939, he was one of the organisers of the Institute of Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (now the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) and its first director, founder of the scientific school of high voltage engineering. The main scientific works of V. Khrushchev are devoted to the study of alternating current collector machines, transmission and distribution of electric power, research of mechanical and arc rectifiers, voltage regulation of synchronous generators by compounding.
Semko Mykhailo

Graduated from Kharkiv Mechanical Engineering Institute (1930). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. A prominent scientist and organiser of higher education, an expert in the field of cold metal processing, cutting materials and cutting tools. Director of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanical Engineering (19451949). Rector of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1950-1978). Head of the Department of Cutting Materials and Cutting Tools of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1942-1979). Honorary Doctor of the University of Miskolc (Hungary).
Kyrkach Mykola

Graduated from the Automobile and Tractor Faculty of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1953), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor. Since 1968 he was a Head of the Department of Machine Parts. From 1962 to 1978, he was Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. In 1978-1990 he was a Rector of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. He conducted extensive research work in the field of theory and practical use of couplings for drives in mechanical engineering. He made a special contribution to strengthening the material base, construction of educational buildings and student dormitories.
Aleksapolskyi Dmytro

Graduated from the Department of Hydraulic Machines (1925). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Hydraulic Machines (1966-1991). He was the founder of the scientific school of pump engineering in Ukraine. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, numerous research projects were carried out for industrial enterprises, including the creation of a 4,500 kW wind power plant for the Ai-Petrinska Iayla in Crimea. He has received numerous state awards.
Medvediev Mykhailo

Graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Technology (1925), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician. Founder and Head of the Tractor Construction Department from 1930 to 1962, and concurrently Dean of the Faculty of Tractor and Agricultural Engineering in 1950-1961. In 1956, he created a branch laboratory for tractor construction. In 1961-1964, he was deputy director for research at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanisation and Electrification. He is the founder of the national tractor industry.
Dubodielov Viktor

Graduated from the Foundry Department (1962). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Laureate of the Nekrasov Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the field of ferrous metallurgy, State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2008). Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. Honorary Doctor of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. He was awarded the Prime Minister's Acknowledgement and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Grabchenko Anatolii

Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1958). Honoured Worker of Higher Education of Ukraine. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine. An outstanding scientist in the field of materials processing by cutting. In 1979-2017 he was the Head of the Department of Materials Cutting and Cutting Tools. He headed the country's only Problem Laboratory of Physics of Cutting with Tools from Superhard Materials and the Branch Laboratory of Diamond Tools.
Kovalskyi Borys

Graduated from the Mechanical Faculty of the Kharkiv Institute of Technology/Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1930). Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. Lecturer at the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Kharkiv Aviation Institute. Founder of the scientific school "Hoisting and Transport Machines". Founder of the national industry of construction of suspended ropeways, cable and bridge cranes.
Ryzhkov Ivan

Graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1951), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor. Laureate of the State Prize (1967). He is the author of a fundamentally new technology in foundry production, which is widely used in domestic and foreign industry. In 1969-1982, I. Ryzhkov worked as a vice-rector for scientific work, and since 1970 he was the head of the foundry department of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. He was a recipient of state awards.
Kuznetsov Mefodii

Doctor of Technical Sciences, graduate and professor of the Department of Organic Substances Technology of KhTI, acting rector in 1920-21. Scientific director of the Research Coal Chemical Institute in Kharkiv that was opened in 1931. Author of the first textbook on coke production. He made a significant contribution to the development of coal petrography and fuel chemistry.
Zubashev Yukhym

Professor and Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Nutrients at the Tomsk Institute of Technology. The first director of the Tomsk Institute of Technology. He went into exile and was a professor at the Ukrainian Academy of Economics in Podebrady (Czechoslovakia). Author of a number of works on chemistry and nutrient technology. An active public figure in Kharkiv, he was a member of a number of scientific societies. He was elected a member of the board of the Kharkiv Public Library, contributed to the work of the Kharkiv Literacy Society, and was chairman of the board of trustees of the Borodaievsky School of Decorative Arts.
Budnikov Petro

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Technology of Ceramics, Refractories, Glass and Enamels, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. He studied the physicochemical properties and transformations of natural and synthesised silicate materials; thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms of reactions in solid and liquid phases at high temperatures; dependence of the properties of synthetic silicates on their microstructure; crystal growth in high-fire-resistant materials and oxides, and its acceleration. He developed new methods of research and analysis of silicates, control of production of refractories and building materials.
Atroshchenko Vasyl

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Inorganic Substances Technology, founder of the scientific school. He devoted more than 50 years of his life to research and teaching at NTU "KhPI". He was awarded the state prize. He made a significant contribution to the development of technologies of bound nitrogen, in particular the technology of nitric acid production. The main focus of his scientific work is the study of the kinetics of chemical processes, in particular catalytic ones. During his years as Head of the Department, he has trained about 2000 engineers and researchers, including 95 specialists for foreign countries. His students include about 60 candidates and 15 doctors of sciences.
Nesterenko Leonid

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of NTU "KhPI" for Scientific Work, UNESCO expert on chemical fuel technologies, Professor of the Department of Solid Fuel Technology, awarded with orders. author of more than 100 printed works. He is the editor-in-chief of the "Bulletin" of scientific papers of the chemical faculties of the KhPI, a member of the editorial board of the journal of the Academy of Sciences "Chemistry of Solid Fuels". He studied theoretical problems of coal chemistry, its origin, composition, properties and molecular structure.
Berezhnoy Anatolii

Graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Chemical Technology (1932), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 1944-1966 he worked at the Ukrainian Institute of Refractories (as a Director in 1955). Head of the Department of Technology of Ceramics, Refractories, Glass and Enamels at the KhPI (19751984). He is an Honoured Soros Professor. His main works concern physicochemical studies of silicates and high-temperature oxides, the study of reactions in the solid phase of refractory materials. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1979).
Ved Yevgenii

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Binders, Holder of the Order of the Badge of Honour, recipient of medals of the People's Republic of China, held senior positions at cement production facilities. His scientific interests were related to the research and development of new technologies for refractories and silicate binders. He founded the scientific school of binders based on industrial waste, white and coloured cements based on dolomite raw materials, and autoclave refractories. Under his supervision, 9 PhD theses were prepared and defended. He has published 207 scientific papers, including six monographs and two textbooks in Chinese.
Kukoliev Grygorii

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Technology of Ceramics, Refractories, Glass and Enamels, Member of the Union of Composers of Ukraine. He is one of the founders of the scientific school "Physical and chemical bases of production of refractories, ceramics and heat-resistant coatings", and has trained more than 10 doctors and 50 candidates of technical sciences. Under his leadership, he developed the physical and chemical basis for the production of heat-resistant materials, including high-quality dense blast furnace and ladle bricks, heat-resistant steel casting stock, heat-resistant coatings, and dolomite materials.
Tiutiunnikov Borys

A prominent chemical scientist, founder of the scientific school of chemists and technologists in the field of fat processing, synthetic fatty acids and detergents, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Author of 400 scientific papers, 50 copyright certificates, 13 textbooks. A recognised teacher, he has trained 6 doctors and 50 candidates of science. He is a graduate of the KhPI. His diploma is kept in the funds of the Museum of History of NTU "KPI". Founder and Head of the Department of Fat Technology of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1930). He was a head of the Department of Fats Chemistry in 1937. In 1930-1937 he was a Director and Scientific Supervisor of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Fat Industry. Since 1949, he has been training engineers in the field of synthetic fatty acids, surfactants and detergents at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.
Landau Lev

A prominent theoretical physicist, Nobel Prize winner, and academician. He is a member of the Academies of Sciences of Denmark and the Netherlands, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He founded the School of Theoretical Physics at the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology. He was the head of the theoretical department at the UFTI and headed the department at the Faculty of Physics and Mechanics of the KhMIS. He is a researcher in nuclear physics, elementary particle physics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetic theory of gases. He developed the theory of diamagnetism, created the theory of the domain structure of ferromagnets. He is the author of the classic Course of Theoretical Physics.
Ліфшиць Євген Михайлович

Вчений, фізик-теоретик, доктор фізико-математичних наук, професор, академік, лауреат Державних премій. Зробив фундаментальний внесок в теорію тяжіння. Створив чітку класифікацію скалярних збурень зі зміною густиною яка зберігає значення для аналізу виникнення структури Всесвіту й до сьогодні. Його дослідження змінили уявлення про релятивістський колапс. Разом з Ландау розробив основи сучасної теорії феромагнетизму. Збудував теорію феромагнітного резонансу та доменної структури феромагнетиків.
Lifshits Illia

Scientist, theoretical physicist, author of fundamental works on solid state physics, low temperatures, quantum mechanics and statistics. Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician, winner of state awards. Member of the US National Academy of Sciences. He worked at the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology. He developed the theory of the metallic state, formulated the basic principles of the dynamic theory of real crystals and the modern theory of metals. He collaborated with Landau and created his own scientific school.
Filippov Anatolii

A well-known scientist in the field of mechanics, academician, State Prize winner, professor, doctor of technical sciences, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology. He graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Technology. Head of the Department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines (now the Department of Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Computing in Engineering). He is a recognised expert in the field of dynamic strength of mechanical systems and structural mechanics. His works on vibrations of structures and their behaviour under dynamic loads have become classics in this field.
Rvachov Vladimir

An outstanding scientist in the fields of mathematics, mechanics and cybernetics. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. He is the founder of the mathematical theory of R-functions and one of the inventors of the atomic function. His scientific achievements are important for the development of approximation theory and methods for solving boundary value problems in mathematical physics. He was the head of the Department of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (now the Department of Applied Mathematics).
Babakov Ivan

A scientist, mathematician, specialist in mechanics, professor, Honoured Scientist. The first head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics. He performed administrative work at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. His main researches were in theoretical mechanics and the theory of oscillations of deformed systems.
Pidgornyi Anatolii

An outstanding scientist in the field of power engineering. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology, graduate of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. He taught at the Department of Dynamics and Strength. He headed the development of the first unique accelerator VRD-500 in Ukraine to study the bearing capacity of turbomachinery disc and rotor models. He was the director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Akhiiesier Naum

Physicist, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1964), Honoured Scientist (1986), who received many state honours and awards. Head of the Theoretical Department, Deputy Director for Research, Advisor to the Directorate of the UFTI. He was an assistant at the Department of Theoretical Physics at KIPT, headed by L. Landau, one of his closest collaborators. He created his own scientific school of theoretical physics. He contributed to the development of theories of diffraction phenomena in nuclear physics, neutron scattering in crystals, interaction of charged particle jets with plasma, kinetic processes in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, and sound absorption in solids. The mechanism of absorption caused by the modulation of the quasiparticle energy by an external field is called the Akhiiesier mechanism. He took part in the development of nuclear reactors, in particular, in calculations of their critical dimensions, predicted the possibility of the existence of cold neutrons, and developed the theory of resonant nuclear reactions (1948).
Palatnyk Lev

Outstanding physicist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, State Prize winner. Head of the Department of Metallophysics, founder of a scientific school, a new direction of film physics and physical materials science. Researcher in the theory of phase transformations, crystal chemistry and crystal physics, physical chemistry of dispersed particles. He worked in the field of solid state physics, alloy theory, crystal physics, structure and substructure of metals and alloys. He is one of the founders of space materials science.
Kosevych Vadym

Graduate of the Department of Physics of Metals and Semiconductors. Founder and Head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, a prominent expert in the field of thin film physics and electron microscopy. He is a researcher in the field of electron microscopy. His works on electron microscopic investigation of the structure of thin films, study of their growth mechanisms, structure of interfacial and intercrystalline boundaries and crystallisation patterns of amorphous phases are classical in film materials science.
Liubchenko Anatolii

A graduate of the Department of Physics of Metals and Semiconductors, a specialist in materials science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician. Laureate of the State Prize, Honoured Mechanical Engineer of Ukraine. He carried out theoretical and technological developments on the formation of high-strength structures in cast irons and steels. He is the author of scientific papers on the study and implementation of a special structural stress state in steels. He proposed special multi-component metal coatings and created a technology for laser thermal hardening of diesel engine parts.
Boiko Borys

Graduate of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology. Founder of the Department of Physical Materials Science for Solar Energy (now the Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics). Head of the department, first dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the KhPI. He worked in Paris in the Department of Science at the UNESCO Secretariat, where he headed the programme on the use of solar energy in the world. Under his leadership, for the first time in the practice of higher education in Ukraine, the training of physics engineers with a specialisation in solar energy was launched.
Taran Vitalii

Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, a renowned scientist in the field of ionospheric research, winner of the State Prize. A graduate of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. Founder and first director of the Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, first head of the Department of Radio Electronics. He also performed administrative work as Vice-Rector for Science. Under his leadership, a unique research complex was created to study near-Earth space. He studied the ionosphere using the method of incoherent radio wave scattering.
Aizenberg Yakiv

Scientist, rocket and space technology designer, General Designer and Director of JSC Khartron, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician, developer of electronic control systems for space and rocket technology. Under his leadership, the control systems of a number of spacecraft were developed. He graduated from the Faculty of Radio Physics of the KhPI with a degree in radio engineering (1956). He participated in the training of research engineers in the field of Flight Dynamics and Control as a leading expert in the development of control systems.
Sukachov Oleksandr

Graduated from the University in 1929, PhD in Engineering, a first Head of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering. One of the founders of the scientific school of TOE. He is the author of the first textbook in Ukrainian, Theory of Alternating Currents, published in 1935, and a manual on the workshop of theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, which became the basis for the creation of curricula for electric power and electrical engineering specialities. From 1941 to 1944, he acted as the director of HETI. In 1960, with the establishment of the Faculty of Automation and Instrumentation, the Department of TOE under the leadership of A. P. Sukachov became part of the new faculty.
Dolbnia Viktor

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, scientist in the field of industrial electronics and theoretical electrical engineering. He was one of the organisers and head of the department. He was the Head of the Faculty of Industrial Electronics (1963-1989); Dean of the Faculties of Automation and Instrumentation (1961-1963) and Electromachinery (1963-1973); Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (1978-1979), during which period all new departments, training centres and laboratories were implemented under his direct supervision. He is the author of 170 educational, methodological and scientific works. Honorary Doctor of NTU "KPI", Chairman of the NTU "KPI" organisation of World War II veterans. He has 29 state awards, 4 orders and 25 medals, "Honoured Worker of Higher Education of Ukraine", a lifetime scholarship holder of the President of Ukraine.
Kosiak Yurii

Graduated from the Department of Turbine Engineering of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in 1957. He worked at the Turboatom plant in Kharkiv, held the position of deputy chief designer; he was a chief designer and head of the design bureau. In 1988-1991, he was General Designer of NPP turbine units. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine. Author of more than 40 inventions. Under his leadership, turbines based on supercritical steam parameters were designed, built and commissioned, and a new direction in steam turbine engineering was created. He has received numerous orders, medals, awards and honours.
Bratuta Eduard

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine and the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine. He laid the foundations of the scientific direction "Mathematical and physical modelling of hydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer processes with dispersed gas-liquid flows", developed heat and mass transfer units for air conditioning systems, led 15 research projects of fundamental and applied nature, and is the author of 350 scientific and educational works. He has been awarded the Excellence in Education of Ukraine award and the Yaroslav the Wise Award of the Academy of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Zaionchkovskyi Valentyn

Graduated from NTU "KhPI" in 1963. From 1993 to 2013, he was a lecturer at the same department. Chief Designer of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, State Prize winner, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. Leader of the innovative research area "Medium-speed internal combustion engines". Author of numerous scientific publications, including monographs and 120 articles. Author of 45 patents.
Shekhovtsov Anatolii

Graduated from the University in 1954, Department of Internal Combustion Engines. From 1594 to 2010 - postgraduate student, assistant, associate professor, professor, head of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines of NTU "KhPI". Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician. Honoured Worker of Science of Ukraine, winner of the Yaroslav the Wise Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, winner of the State Prize in Science and Technology in 2008. He has trained 18 candidates and 6 doctors of technical sciences. He is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, more than 10 textbooks, and has received 60 certificates for inventions.
Volobuiev Mykhailo

PhD in Economics (1930), member of the Ukrainian Committee of Local History (1926-1929). A prominent theorist of economic geography in the 1930s, an employee of the Research Institute of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kharkiv. Professor of Political Economy at the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Head of the Department of Political Economy at the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanical Engineering (now the Department of General Economic Theory at the Institute of EMPM) (1930-1933). Author of the concept of economic selfsufficiency of Ukraine.
Yakovliev Anatolii

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Member of the International Project Management Association, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine. Founder of the scientific school on the economic evaluation of labour means. Head of the Department of Economics and Organisation of the Machine-Building Industry (since 1995 - the Department of Economics and Marketing) of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. He was honoured with the Presidential Award. In 2005, he was awarded the title of "Man of the Year".
Timofeiev Volodymyr

Graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in 1964. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences (USA, 1998). He is a prominent expert in the field of economic dynamics of innovations, optimisation of innovation processes, optimisation of the life cycle of goods and products, strategic planning of innovations. He was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the leadership of the Department of Economic Analysis and Accounting of NTU "KPI" (2010).
Levitsky Petro

Doctor of Economics (1960), Professor (1962). In 1950, he became the first head of the Department of Industrial Economics and Enterprise Organisation at Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (the Department of Business Economics and International Economic Relations of the Institute of EMMB of NTU "KPI"). He headed the department for 25 years. He made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of production planning at the enterprise.
1. Dabagian Areg

Was an outstanding scientist in the field of cybernetics, mechanics, machine dynamics, applied oscillation theory and control systems, founder of the scientific school, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1962), Professor (1963), Honorary Doctor of NTU "KhPI", Honoured Worker of Public Education of Ukraine. Founder of the Department of Automatic Motion Control (1964), which was reorganised in 1977 into the Department of Automated Control Systems (now the Department of Software Engineering and Information Management Technologies named after A. Dabagian).
Kostenko Yurii

Was an outstanding scientist in the field of local computing systems and diagnostics, founder of a scientific school, organiser of higher education, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1988), Professor (1988), Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1992), winner of the State Prizes of Ukraine in the fields of science and technology and architecture, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs (1978-1990), Rector of NTU "KhPI" (1990-1999). He is an honorary doctor of Miskolc and Petrushany Universities. Founder of the Department of Technical Cybernetics (now the Department of System Analysis and Information and Analytical Technologies).
Yevdokimov Viktor

Was graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Programming in 1966, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Modelling Problems in Energy of the National Academy of Sciences, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. He participated in joint research work on modelling and control of traction rolling stock. For more than 30 years, the department has hosted a scientific seminar on the problems of computer technology and its application of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and NTU "KhPI".
Vasyliev Viktor

Graduated from the EMB Faculty in 1950, first Head of the Department of Mathematical Counting and Decision Devices and Instruments in 1961-1974 (now the Department of Computer Engineering and Programming), first Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Instrumentation (1960-1962), PhD in Engineering, Professor. Veteran of the Second World War. Under the leadership of V.Vasyliev, a research laboratory of electronic modelling was established and the first analogue computer was created at the department for the first time in the KhPI.
Valerii Kravets

Graduated from NTU "KhPI" in 1967. Founder of the scientific school "Infocommunication Systems and Technologies". Founder and head of the Department of Information Systems (1993-2009), organiser of the Centre for Distance Education and the Centre for New Information Technologies of NTU "KhPI", PhD in Engineering. Honorary Doctor of Miskolc University (Hungary), Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine. From 1989 to 2014, he worked as Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and International Relations at NTU "KhPI".
Feliks Domnin

Graduate of the Department of Electric Drive of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of NTU "KhPI", Honoured Worker of Public Education of Ukraine (1992), Professor (1992). He worked his way up from a student to the head of the Department of Computer Science and Programming (DSP), which he headed from 1974 to 2014 (now the Department of Computer Engineering and Programming). Under his leadership, the School of Computer Systems for Medical Diagnostics was established at the Department of CTP. The school's staff carried out research projects commissioned by leading organisations in this field.
BUREGA Valerii

Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Psychology, Professor, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, retired Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 2014-2020, he was the Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science at NTU "KhPI". He is the author of the concept of socially adequate management in the field of sociology theory; founder of the first scientific school of sociology of public administration in Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, academician of the Economic Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member of the Association of Psychologists of Ukraine.
LABSKIR Volodymyr

First Professor of the Department of Physical Education. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education. Years of work at the university - 1979-2013. A well-known specialist in Olympic education, sociology of sport, assessment of students' physical fitness. In 1992-1994, he led the development of methodological support and documents for the opening, licensing, accreditation at three educational and professional levels (bachelor, specialist, master) of the speciality "Physical Education". Master of Sports in fencing. In 1996-2005, he was a winner and prize-winner of republican foil fencing tournaments for veterans, a participant in European championships, and a finalist in the 1999 World Championships.
Davaasuren Tserenpilin
Ajit Pratap Singh Gautam
Fang Mochin
Gulakhmadov Aminjon
Agu Collins Agu
Issam Chahine
Valiashko Mykola

An outstanding national scientist and teacher, Doctor of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, the first rector and co-founder of the Kharkiv Institute of Pharmacy. An expert in the field of medicinal substances chemistry, forensic chemistry and spectrography, he worked on the further development of the ideas of O. Butlerov and V. Markovnikov and created a scientific school of research on UV spectra of organic compounds. For 36 years, he headed the Department of Organic Chemistry of the KhPI. He was awarded state awards.
Sakara Yurii

Since 1971 Yu. Sakara worked at NTU "KhPI", he rose from a student to a professor and vice-rector. In 1985, for his great work on the development of international cooperation of the institute, Professor Yu. Sakara was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. In 2015, he was awarded the honorary title of Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine. Since 1990, he has worked as a vice-rector. Under his leadership, he developed the concept of educational work at NTU "KhPI", which includes national-patriotic, legal, labour, physical and aesthetic education of students. He was a vice-rector who directly helped and positively influenced the development of the student movement in KhPI. On the day of the 70th anniversary of the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work - 11 January 2017, a star named after him appeared: Yurii Sakara. The name of the star in the catalogue: KIC 11017176.
Celestial coordinates: Direct ascension: 18h 59m 16.7s. Declination: 48o 34′ 46.7". Stellar magnitude: 7.
Grygorenko Petro

Grygorenko Petro (1907-1987). In 1929-1931 he studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the KhTI. Public figure, human rights activist. In his honour, a memorial plaque was erected on the Giant dormitory, avenues in Kharkiv and Kyiv were named, a commemorative coin was issued, and a monument was erected.
Matsiievych Levko

Matsiievych Levko (1877-1910) was a graduate of the mechanical department of KhTI, a public figure, design engineer, author of submarine and aircraft carrier projects, a figure in the Ukrainian national movement, and cofounder of the Kharkiv Ukrainian Student Community. His death caused a considerable public outcry. A collection was published in his memory, and in 1911, the aeronautical section was opened at the Kharkiv Technical Institute and named after him. In 1987, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honour of the "pioneer of national aviation, an outstanding naval engineer" on the Main Auditorium Building of NTU "KhPI".
Collard Yurii

Collard Yurii (1875-1951) was a graduate of KhTI, an engineer, a figure of the Ukrainian national movement, and a co-founder of the Kharkiv Ukrainian Student Community. He is the author of memoirs "From Youthful Days", "Memories from the Past", "Memories of Youthful Years", which describe in detail the views and activities of the author and his associates during his student life.
Barkalov Oleksii

Two-time Olympic water polo champion, winner of three Olympic medals. Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR, Honoured Coach of Ukraine. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for outstanding achievements in water polo (graduated in 1972, lived 1946-2004)
Bliznietsov Gennadii

Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR in athletics, participant of the Olympic Games, multiple European and USSR record holder in pole vaulting (graduated in 1963, lived 1941-2022)
Kirichenko Iryna

Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR in cycling, champion and medallist of the World Championships, participant of 8 World Championships, multiple USSR champion, holder of world records in 4 cycling disciplines (graduated in 1959, lived 1937-2020)
Liubiiev Albert

He has been working at the KFV since the 1960s to the present. Head of the Department of Physical Education (from 1978 to 2015), Professor, Honoured Worker of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine, winner of the State Prize of Ukraine. Athletics coach, trained several generations of athletes, champions of Ukraine. For 18 years he was the coach of the national track and field team. Chairman of the Board of the KhPI Sports Club in 1972-1978 (born in 1939)
Uvarov Mykola

Uvarov Mykola (1861-1942) was teacher of the Kyiv Art Institute (taught drawing), artist, public figure. He is the author of portraits of prominent figures of Ukrainian culture (Shevchenko, I. Franko, M. Lysenko, D. Bagalii, S. Vasylkivskyi, P. Saksahanskii, etc.), paintings of lampshades in buildings designed by A. Beketov. He took part in the decoration of the building of the Poltava Zemstvo (1903-08). He worked as a museum restorer in Kharkiv.
Faustov Arkadii

Faustov Arkadii (1936-2009) was a graduate of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (1958), a member of amateur artistic activity, headed the film studio "KPI-Film" from 1965 to 2009 and always covered the bright life of the Polytechnic. He brought up a whole galaxy of famous artists.
Khotkevych Gnat

Khotkevych Gnat (1877-1938) was a graduate of the technical department of the KhTI, writer, composer, musician, director, actor, art critic, public figure, teacher, and educator. He was the founder of the first Ukrainian workers' theatre and the first amateur Hutsul theatre. He did a lot to develop, popularise and study kobzarism. A street in Kharkiv was named in his honour, and a memorial plaque was installed at the HTU "KhPI". A memorial museum was opened in his estate in the village of Vysoke near Kharkiv.
Dovzhanska Zara

Dovzhanska Zara (1923-1992) was director of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute Reader's Theatre, then the Reader's Theatre at the Building Industry Complex, where a memorial plaque was erected in her honour. The performances of her theatre became events in the cultural life of Kharkiv.
Lovtsov Mykhailo

Lovtsov Mykhailo (1849-1907) was an architect, a teacher of architectural and construction art at the KhTI in 1886-1907, and an architect at the KhTI in 1894-1904. He designed the chemical workshops building and the drawing building (now the rector's building) for the Kharkiv Institute of Technology. He also designed the Annunciation Cathedral, the Oleksandr Nevsky Church, and other church buildings in Kharkiv. A street in Kharkiv is named after him.
Mamut Eugene

Mamut Eugene (born in 1942) is a graduate of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, an engineer at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute film studio, a Ukrainian and American specialist in cinematic special effects, animator, and Oscar winner.
Sukhareva Valentyna

Sukhareva Valentyna (1923-2021) was a Honoured Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor of the KhPI (taught at the Department of Ethics, Aesthetics and Cultural History), director. Co-founder and long-time co-director of the Polytechnic student folk theatre, whose performances won high awards at festivals. Members of the theatre wrote a book of memoirs about V. Sukhareva.
Beketov Oleksii

Beketov Oleksii (1862-1941) was academician of architecture, long-time lecturer at KhPI, author of the project of the KhPI Electrical Building. He trained many famous architects. Buildings constructed according to his designs largely determine the architectural face of the central districts of Kharkiv. A metro station and a street in Kharkiv are named after him. The Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy is named after him.
Reizen Marko

Reizen Marko (1895-1892) studied at the KhTI, opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR, winner of three state awards. As a teacher of opera singing, he trained many famous artists.
Petrosian Oleksandr

Petrosian Oleksandr (1928-1996) was artistic director of the KhPI Choir (1980-1996), Honoured Artist of Ukraine, professor. A memorial plaque was erected in his honour at the Palace of Students of NTU "KhPI".
Rudniev Borys

Rudniev Borys (1879-1944) was a graduate of the KhTII, an artist, founder and first director of the Lebedyn Art Museum, which now bears his name. He rescued the museum's collection during the Nazi occupation of World War II.
Cheremskyi Petro

Cheremskyi Petro (1942-2006) was a graduate, researcher of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, cultural activist, public figure, founder of the Gnat Khotkevych Foundation for National and Cultural Initiatives, Honorary Professor of the Kotliarevskyi National University of Music. He was the organiser of music festivals and the installation of memorial plaques to scholars and cultural figures in Kharkiv, and in particular at the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. A memorial sign was erected in his honour in the courtyard of the Kharkiv Literary Museum.
Koshkin Volodymyr

Koshkin Volodymyr (1936-2011) was a Professor of KhPI, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, literary critic, cultural critic, poet. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine. A memorial plaque was installed in his honour on the Chemical Building of NTU "KhPI".
Shumov Petro

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Коваленко Алла Арестівна,
«Харківська бісквітна фабрика», генеральний директор, хіміки, email: info@biscuit.com.ua